Illustration Friday: Popularity

I was originally going to post an old illustration I have of a Valentine party with the popular (and somewhat obnoxious) kid getting a shoebox-full of glittery cards while one little outlier is left with a pathetically empty box. But I was determined to create something new instead. For some odd reason I thought of vegetables, maybe because I had recently seen a photo of a brussels sprout plant and was totally blown away–it is a truly weird and beautiful plant. As luck would have it, the gorgeous brussels sprout turns out to be ranked as the least popular vegetable in the UK (first on the list of my google search). The tomato, incidentally, is the most popular. Personally, I have never been a huge fan of the tomato. And let’s face it, if you compare the two, brussel sprouts wins hands-down as the Carmen Miranda of the veggie lot with all that fabulous foliage. So here’s to the misunderstood and totally under-appreciated brussels sprout. Although at the Valentine party, I imagine he would still come up short-handed.

12 responses to “Illustration Friday: Popularity

  1. You drew this? I couldn’t tell from the posting. And I’m a Brit, and love brussel sprouts, so I’m clearly not in the popular vegetable club.

  2. Another fan of the brussel sprout – though it must be pan fried with butter and garlic. 🙂 It’s a very lovely little illustration,despite the fact I am irritated by the tomato for his apparent smugness. You’ll go smooshy soon, mister.

  3. Now that’s an Illustration Friday piece. I think the brussel sprout is getting cheated. It has so much more character.

    Nicely done.

  4. Oh, Nancy…That’s so clever! Their expressions are perfect and I love the back story! Thanks also for leaving a comment on my blog. I love your style!

  5. So very charming…this is fabulous! Let me send my valentine greetings to the brussels sprouts…I love them.

  6. Got a laugh out of me! I’m Sprout fan too, so maybe he’ll smile now?

  7. Oh, this makes me sad! Brussels sprouts are one of my favorite vegetables, roasted with a bit of olive oil, maple syrup, and salt and pepper. Mmmm. (I love you, too, tomato! But you seem to be doing all right for yourself.) Delightful little illustration.

    • Thanks, Elizabeth–I will pass this along to my husband who loves Brussels sprouts! Thank you for visiting–I missed last week’s IF and I need to get busy on “Swamped.” Too good a word to pass up, don’t you think?

      Take care!


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