Illustration Friday: Intention

This week I have a cook with good intentions and a butter-stealing dog with bad ones. I happen to have a butter-stealing, counter-surfing, bad-intentions dog. Oddly, his favorite thing to steal is an SOS pad–he eats all the blue soap and thankfully(?) leaves behind the steel wool. But butter is definitely #2 on his list.
I decided to go all digital this week so my vector line work doesn’t get too rusty. The super-cool countertop pattern is not mine, but Formica’s (recently discontinued “Boomerang” laminate in aqua–how can they ax such a fun pattern?).

10 responses to “Illustration Friday: Intention

  1. Eeek, he eats the SOS pad? Perhaps that’s why he is looking a little wild-eyed? Either way, he is darn cute. And I recognize that counter top pattern, but I can’t recall where I saw it.

  2. My dog is just same! But he is very small, so fortunately, he doesn’t get into too much trouble.

    Wonderful illo – great expressions!!

  3. Great expressions! I remember that formica pattern from countless counters in my past. Also had a dog with a penchant for eating roughage – his preference was for used sandpaper. Looks like your dog is just waiting for you to lean a little bit closer to the book…

  4. Beth Anne Maresca

    Very cute! Both look really determined!

  5. So fun! And the look on the dog’s face is perfect.

  6. Great illustration! Love the look of determination on your cook, & eagerness on the dog! The patterns are a nice touch!!

  7. I have your blog bookmarked now…I have always thought your writing was as wonderful as your drawing, now I can read more of it!

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